Anger Management

Anger Management

The Next 12-Week Anger Management Group Begins on April 13, 2021. Register by April 6, 2021 and choose the pay-in-full option to receive a $40 discount. Click here to register.


Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. The Counseling Center offers individual anger management counseling as well as a 12-week education/therapy group taught using a specialized curriculum designed to help you express your emotions in healthier ways.  For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (317) 754-0808.


What is anger management?

Anger is a powerful emotion that ranges in severity from mild annoyance through intense fury. It’s also a perfectly normal and acceptable human emotion. Aggression is a natural way to express anger and can help you to fight or defend yourself.

However, if you are overwhelmed by anger and unable to control the way you express it, you may have a problem. It’s not helpful or safe to aggressively lash out every time you get mad about something.

Anger management is a specific type of therapy that teaches you to control and express your feelings. You can learn and practice the differences between being assertive and aggressive. And you can learn techniques to stop your anger from overwhelming you and how to redirect those emotions and energy toward healthy, constructive behaviors.

What causes anger issues?

If your anger is disrupting your life, it could stem from a perceived loss of power. You may feel powerless in anything ranging from pride and justice to money or even love.

Anger is a powerful emotion, and you may feel stronger and safer expressing your anger rather than the fear or sadness that could accompany it.

What should I expect from anger management?

Working with a therapist can help you learn to control your emotions, thus stopping your anger before it becomes an unstoppable force.

That’s not to say that you will stop feeling angry. The point of anger management therapy is to help you recognize your anger and express it appropriately.

During your sessions, you will explore situations and triggers and discuss strategies and techniques to acknowledge your emotions and control the way you express them.

At The Counseling Center, we offer both individual therapy as well as a structured 12-week anger management group.  The group meets one time per week for an hour.  The sessions feature both education and therapy components. The next group begins on March 24th. The cost is $40/session. Clients who register and pay-in-full by March 1st, will receive a $40 discount off of the total cost (Pay $440 and get 12 sessions for the price of 11).

If your anger is getting the best of you and your personal and professional relationships are suffering, schedule an appointment today by calling The Counseling Center at (317) 754-0808.