How Biofeedback Can Help With Anger

Biofeedback and Neurofeedback techniques offer skills that help people manage anger effectively. Anger is a normal human emotion, however, if it’s not managed properly, it can have disastrous consequences that have the potential to hurt you and others. A lot of people don’t know how to process anger properly. They pile up their frustrations and emotions until they reach a breaking point and explode instead of dealing with the anger in a healthy and rational manner.
Most people express anger irrationally and this causes them to feel bad about themselves, especially if they hurt other people in the process. However, you don’t have to struggle with your anger.
What is Biofeedback?
Biofeedback techniques offer individuals the skills they need to manage anger effectively. Biofeedback focuses on controlling the power of your mind, to make you aware of what’s going on deep inside you and help you harness more control over your emotions and overall health.
So, How Does It Work?
Researchers haven’t managed to figure out exactly how this form of therapy works, but what they do know is that it enhances relaxation. The Boston Children’s Hospital conducted a study on children who had received biofeedback therapy with the use of a video game program. What they found was a breakthrough. They found these children that were exposed to biofeedback therapy had better control over their reactions to daily frustrations compared to before the treatment.
Several relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and mindful meditation are used in biofeedback therapy. A specially trained therapist will help you to control different body functions using different relaxation exercises. For example, biofeedback teaches deep breathing as a relaxation technique. Focusing on the breath and breathing deeply will allow the executive control center of the brain to keep the midbrain and emotional centers balanced. This allows the mind to view situations objectively rather than reacting impulsively.
There are different types of Biofeedback techniques that can be used to monitor different bodily functions. For anger, Neurofeedback techniques are used. Neurofeedback helps create a stronger connection between the emotional center of the brain and the executive control center. This way, you learn to gain better control over your emotional responses and behavior. Anger is then expressed in a healthy and rational way.
If you feel you may have an issue with anger and would like to explore therapy, please get in touch. We offer both individual therapy and a 12-week Virtual Anger Management Group. The next group is scheduled to start on March 23rd. This group meets every Tuesday from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Register by March 1st and pay for all 12-weeks upfront to save $40 off of the total ($440 due by March 1st to receive discount). Otherwise, you will be billed $40 per session.